God has put it on our hearts to speak to others on marriage and all the aspects that go with it. Not because we are perfect or have it all together, but because of the things we have gone through and the things we have learned.
Divorce used to be this horrible thing but now it has seemingly become an everyday occurrence. It has torn so many families apart, and it doesn’t just affect the couple it affects the children. Many children are being brought up without a father figure so they are not getting that authority figure and sense of protection they need. Divorce does not happen because people are falling out of love. It is because they are choosing themselves instead of their families.
Marriage is hard work. Marriage is about serving and choosing others needs above your own. Our perspectives have to change and then we can enjoy loving on our spouse and doing things for them. Of course, without God all of this seems impossible.
With God, not only is it possible but he gives you the right tools to get through each situation. You just need to spend time with him and then ask for his help. The Holy Spirit will guide you. He is our help! He is there to help you when you are hurting and will show you what you can do in the situation or maybe even where you were wrong. It is not always easy but it is always worth it in the end.
When you choose to marry it's a commitment and it's sealed in blood when you come together on the marriage bed. It is not some contract that you can throw away when you don’t ‘feel the love’ anymore. Are you up for the challenge?
Get to know Shaun & Dawn:
Dawn and I have been married for 17 years and have four children together. I also have 1 son from a previous marriage. We have had a wonderful and exciting journey filled with trials and unexpected turns. Through it all God has been our ever present hope and patient teacher.
On this journey we have been given several opportunities to counsel and even marry several young couples. For 16 years of our journey I have been in full time ministry at Gateway Church International and Gateway Christian School. For 12 years I was a youth pastor and have spent the last 5 in outreach and missions. I have also coached football and track during these years.
Dawn for the first 2 years worked and finished her Bachelors degree in Business. Then 10 years was working from the home and training our children. The last 5 years she has spent time as a financial secretary, coached cheerleading and taught dance classes.
Dawn and I have a heart for marriage and have spent years studying the word of God in regards to marriage. Our heart is to share things we have learned along the way and bring insight into marriages and young peoples lives. We believe God has woven our lives together for the purposes of His kingdom.