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“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19

what is DISCIPLE kids?

Disciple Kids is a safe, fun environment that’s dedicated to partnering with parents to lead our children, babies - sixth grade,  in a devoted walk with Christ. We believe that our children will be the generation that will change our world for Christ. We have such a wonderful opportunity to first make sure they know Jesus and then help them face the future with faith and courage.  


In Disciple Kids we want the children to understand and use the gifts God has given them, so they can share Jesus with the world beyond the church doors! 

what to


Our classes are designed so that even the littlest members are able to learn in an environment that's created specifically for them!


The age-appropriate classes provide unique opportunities for children to gain confidence and grow in their faith amongst their peers. 


They each have their own place.


Embers: Babies

Spark: Toddlers

Ignite: 4-5 year-olds

Glow: 1st-3rd Graders

Wildfire: 4th-6th Graders





age-appropriate classes



We start by teaching the children that God created them uniquely and He loves them, to training them in the scriptures, learning how to praise and worship Him, serving in the Body and finally understanding that they are not too young to change their world for Christ.


Each class uses age-appropriate lessons, songs, games, and discussions that keep kids engaged and learning. 


We currently follow the Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum that covers the entire Bible every four years. Along with teaching the Word from start to finish this curriculum dives into the tough questions and situations that children face.




praise & worship

We know that providing an atmosphere to help your child engage in praise and worship with the Father is vital to their spiritual growth. 


We do this by bringing our children's ministry classes together to sing, dance, pray, and express our love and awe to God. 


Ignite Kids and Glow Kids, our Pre-K through 3rd graders, worship together before breaking out into their classrooms.


Wildfire Kids, 4th through 6th graders, stay in the main service for praise and worship, then after worship, the children will be released to their classes. 








Your child's safety is of the utmost importance. Every teacher and volunteer is screened and must pass a background check before serving in Disciple Kids Children's Ministry.


Child(ren) must be "checked-in" by a designated parent or guardian. During check-in, students will receive a name tag and parents will receive a guardian receipt that is unique to their child(ren) that must be returned to pick up the child(ren). 


Each student must have an information card completed by a parent/guardian to ensure the teacher knows the parents and the needs of the child.


You will also see our security team members monitoring the hallways and entrances during our classes and services.







what to expect

Nursery and Children's Ministry classes are held downstairs. Upon arrival at the church, a greeter will be able to direct you to the children's department (this information is also located on the back of the church bulletin).


During your first visit, you'll be asked to fill out an information card for your child, with parent/guardian information and any pertinent medical information (i.e. allergies) to your child(ren). 


Children must be dropped off and picked up by a parent/guardian.


If you drop off your child(ren) before 10:15 am, they will be in the Toddler room until church begins and they are picked up for praise & worship.


If you show up at 10:30 am or shortly after, Spark & Glow, Pre-K through 3rd graders, will be in Room 19 where 4th- 6th graders are leading praise & worship before breaking out into classes. 





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Sunday Morning: 10:30 am

Vision Kids: Sunday's 10:30 am

Awakening Youth: Wednesday's 7:00 pm

Remnant Young Adults: Sunday's 6:30 pm


Thank you for contacting us!

1900 N. Sycamore 

Roswell, NM 88201

Tel: 575.623.8670​

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