“...Our prayer is that you will be changed by God’s Word,
encouraged by His people and touched by His presence.”

At Gateway Church International, we strive to build and maintain a strong sense of community and family for our membership. We believe as we build a relationship with one another we individually grow stronger as well. Our fellowship has been gifted with so many beautiful people, each with different personalities, strengths, and talents. Now, we are not a group of perfect people, by any means. When we join together, where I am weak you may be strong and where I am lacking you may be extremely gifted. So together, we make up an incredible force that can literally invade the darkness with the glory of God.
We believe that one of the most important activities that we can be involved in corporately is to engage with the presence of God. That is why when we come together we start each of our services with thanksgiving and praise declaring one to another that God is who he says he is, and that he will do what he has promised to do. We believe that when we come into agreement with one voice that the atmosphere is changed. It is in this life-giving atmosphere, that we realize we have entered into a different realm by the Spirit. In this place, we are overwhelmed with the fact that God is in our midst. He has come among us to encourage, transform, restore and reveal his heart to us. And when we are touched by his presence we will never be the same.

When we look through heavenly perspective, we realize that nothing that was or is or is to come exists outside of the word of God. Every star shines, every ocean rises and falls, every baby cries and coos, every seed bursts forth into life all because of the power of his word. We see Jesus as the word of God. We see the Holy Spirit as the revealer of the word of God. We know that the scripture is the inspired and unchangeable word of God. That is why we hold the word of God in the highest regard. It is more than a history book or an owner’s manual for successful living, these words have the potential when they are heard and obeyed, to change our lives and the lives of those around us.
Our commission at Gateway is very clear. We have been called by God to change lives to change the world. We can never be satisfied to simply contain the life God has given us. We must let that life shine like a brilliant beacon for all to see that there is a savior, there is a healer, there is a redeemer and his name is Jesus. That is why we must mobilize you, with instruction, encouragement, and opportunity to be the light.